Features of Cloudinary

Trisha Patel
2 min readNov 5, 2020


Cloudinary is a SaaS system to help manage and deliver media for Apps and Websites.

Cloudinary is free up-to certain transformation and storage size. Check References for pricing detail link.

There are number of reasons to use Cloudinary to upload images instead of other cloud storages.

  • Dynamically select the most efficient format
  • Automatically adjust the compression quality
  • Automatically scale and crop images to fit page layout
  • Dynamically switch between multiple CDNs
  • Dynamically create SEO friendly Delivery URL
  • Supports mostly all popular development frameworks.
  • Copy images on the fly from another sources.

Today, we will discuss one feature that might save your time.

Copy images on the fly from another sources.

Copy images from one cloud storage to another cloud storage is always a tedious task. But with cloudinary it is super easy.

Before migration first you need to give rights to Cloudinary to copy images from source cloud. It can be Google Cloud Storage, S3 etc.


You can able to get your cloud name from Cloudinary account.

By adding this file to your source cloud you are giving authority to cloudinary to copy images from cloud.

Cloudinary have auto upload feature using which we can specify url from where we want copy images to cloudinary. Check References link to know how you can specify URL to copy images from source.

Good Thing is, It will not copy all the images in one go. Whenever someone render the page for first time it will copy image from source and paste it into your cloudinary account.

One thing need to keep in mind, if you are copying already transformed image then it might effect image quality, because cloudinary is again transforming images based on browser and device size.

You can also specify folder in which you want to copy all the images.

When we should not use cloudinary?

To store raw file like .xls, .pdf, .txt etc. we should not use cloudinary. Because cloudinary is creating transformation of anything you are uploading. So suppose you are uploading 1 pdf file which has 11 pages, then it will create 11 new transformation plus original one. So if you want to display your’s PDF pages in image format than cloudinary is useful otherwise it is wastage for your transformation and space limit.

I love Cloudinary!

Stay Tune!

In next blog I will show you Image Handling using Rails + ActiveStorage + Cloudinary.




https://cloudinary.com/pricing?utm_expid=.HzgzPplvQFixcNLVwMtd4A.0&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fcloudinary.com%2F for pricing detail



Trisha Patel
Trisha Patel

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